
2009-02-10 4:31 PM

How to access the SVN system Using TortoiseSVN

  1. download and then run it. (the defaults should be fine)
  2. right click anywhere select Tortoise SVN -> settings
    1. check the box for 'use "_svn" instead of ".svn" directories
  3. restart your computer when prompted
  4. create the directory where you want to store your project files
  5. inside the directory right click -> svn checkout
    1. in the URL field use the browse button to find the point you want to check out.
      1. Most of the time the directory you want to check out is found under the "trunk" folder of the project.
        • ie: http://van-as4:81/svn/14040 Syncrude WBT reformating/trunk
      2. the Checkout directory should be your current directory
      3. the rest of the defaults should be fine.
      4. click ok to check it out.
  6. If this is a website based project you need to add a webshare for this folder
    1. right click on the folder name and select "Sharing and Security..."
    2. select the web sharing tab
    3. click the radio button for "Share this folder"
    4. When the "Edit Alias" dialog box appears chose an alias (the default is usually good) and check the application permissions (.Net applications need "Execute (includes scripts)" and click OK
    5. click OK to finish creating the web share.

How to access the SVN system using AnkhSVN

  1. download and run this.
  2. In Visual Studio choose Tools -> AnkhSVN -> Repository Explorer
  3. When the tool window appears, choose the Plus-Folder icon.
    1. in the URL field use http://van-as4:81/svn/
  4. Browse to the Solution you would like to check out, right-click and choose Checkout Folder.
    1. Most of the time the directory you want to check out is found under the "trunk" folder of the project.
      • ie: http://van-as4:81/svn/OperatorSuite5/trunk
  5. Browse to the location where you keep your working copy. You may need to create a directory for the solution and press OK.
  6. Open the solution inside Visual Studio. You will be asked whether to enable AnkhSVN for this solution, choose Yes.
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